LoRa Wildcards

When making a search operation with wildcards, a lot happens. Going from the bottom of the stack the following happens:

In SQL the match between two strings is made with ILIKE from PostgresSQL. It is a case-insensitive string match that supports the wildcard operators _ (underscore) to match a single character and % (percent sign) to match zero or more characters. To match a litteral underscore or percentage sign you must escape it with a single backslash as \_ or \%

In /oio_rest/oio_rest/utils/build_registration.py all incomming underscores _ are replaced by an escaped underscore \_. This means it is not possible for the REST API user to send an underscore wildcard operator to SQL. This may change in the future.

FastAPI et. al. take care of decoding RFC 3986 percentage-encoded URIs. This means a percentage sign followed by two case insensitive hexidecimal signs (0-F) is decoded into the corresponding ASCII symbol. E.g. a %45 in an URI is decoded to E in SQL and %25 is decoded to %. However a percentage sign followed by something where the first character is anything other than a hexidecimal sign is ignored. E.g. %g4 in an URI also remains %g4 in SQL and %magenta remains %magenta.

These three mechanisms combined results in some very novel behavior. See the table below:

URI Query PGSQL RegEx Matches
jkl jkl ^jkl$ the string jkl
_jkl \_jkl %jkl a litteral underscore followed by jkl
%jkl/%25jkl %jkl ^.*jkl$ zero or more of any characters followed by jkl
%abc �c ^�c$ the character 0xAB followed by c
%afdeling �deling ^�deling$ the character 0xAF followed by deling
E6/%456 E6 ^E6$ the string E6
%25456 %456 ^.*456$ zero or more of any characters followed by 456
\_jkl \\_jkl \\_jkl$ a \ followed by any character followed by jkl

The best way to avoid most of the confusion is to always percentage-encode your URI and never write \_ in your query.


Always use RFC 3986 <3986#section-2>{.interpreted-text role="rfc"} percentage-encoding for your search URI!

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