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OS2mo is primarily developed using Docker. Follow the official installation guide for your operating system to set it up. It is recommended to enable managing Docker as a non-root user to ease usage.

Additionally, distributed development of the application is empowered through the use of the git version control system. It should also be installed for any developer who wishes to contribute to the project.

After installing the required dependencies, the OS2mo development stack, and all necessary services, can be started by executing the following commands:

git clone  # or
cd os2mo
docker compose up -d --build

The full list of services can be inspected with docker compose ps or by reading docker-compose.yml. The most important thing to begin with is that you can visit localhost:5000 in your browser. Before getting access to OS2mo, you will be redirected to Keycloak where you can sign in as bruce with the password bruce.

The -d flag for docker compose up runs the services in the background. To see the output of a container, run docker compose logs <name>, where <name> is the name of the service from docker-compose.yml. Furthermore, the backend/ directory on the host machine is mounted into the OS2mo backend container, which enables automatic reloading when the code is changed.

To bring down the stack, run

docker compose down

which stops the services but persists the data. Add the -v flag to remove all data.

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