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Aarhus LOS


This integration makes it possible to fetch and import organisation and person data from Aarhus LOS. It is built specifically for Aarhus Kommune, as the data format is a custom format defined by them. The format is based on OPUS, but has been subject to further processing, and as such the original OPUS importer is incompatible

The importer connects to an external FTP provided by Aarhus Kommune, to fetch delta files.

The importer utilizes a single piece of state in the form of a file, containing the date of the last import run. Essentially a minimal implementation of the run-db found in other importers


The integration requires minimal configuration outside of the common default values found in the settings file:

  • integrations.aarhus_los.ftp_url: The url for the Aarhus Kommune FTP. Contains a default for the current FTP url.
  • integrations.aarhus_los.ftp_user: The FTP username
  • integrations.aarhus_los.ftp_pass: The FTP password
  • integrations.aarhus_los.state_file: A location for a file containing state across different imports.


The importer can be run with the following command:

python integrations/aarhus/

The command currently takes no parameters.

The command will:

  • Perform an initial import, of all preset classes and organisation objects if it determines it hasn't taken place yet
  • Ensure a state file exists, containing the date of the last import.
  • Connect to the AAK FTP and perform the necessary import of all 'klasse', 'it system', org unit and person objects, to bring the system up to date.
  • Write a timestamp of a completed import into the state file

The command is designed to be idempotent, and can theoretically be run as often as is deemed necessary.


Seed data#

If no import has yet taken place, initial seed data is loaded by the importer. This data is coded in the file integrations/aarhus/

The initial data sets up:

  • a MO organisation (Aarhus Kommune)
  • a set of MO address types for use when importing organisational units and employees
  • a set of MO facet classes for recording the hierarchy of organisational units
  • an IT system ("AZ")

The organisational unit address types are:

  • Postadresse
  • LOS ID
  • CVR nummer
  • EAN nummer
  • P-nummer
  • WWW (URL)
  • Ekspeditionstid
  • Telefontid
  • Telefon
  • Fax
  • Email
  • Magkort
  • Alternativt navn

The employee address types are:

  • Phone
  • Email
  • Lokale

To store the hierarchy of an organisational unit, the following MO classes are created in the facet org_unit_hierarchy:

  • Linjeorganisation
  • Sikkerhedsorganisation

Finally, the following facets are created, containing one placeholder class each:

Miscellaneous facets and classes
Facet Placeholder class value
role_type Rolletype
association_type Tilknytningsrolle
leave_type Orlovsrolle

Loading additional classes into MO#

The MO facet org_unit_type is used to store the organisational unit type. See Organisational unit type for more on how the facet org_unit_type is used. By reading the CSV file STAM_UUID_Enhedstype.csv, the importer can add additional classes to org_unit_type. The importer reads the CSV file this way:

org_unit_type classes
MO class field CSV field Data type Content
uuid EnhedstypeUUID UUID The unique ID of the facet class value
user_key Enhedstype String The user key (BVN) of the facet class value
title Enhedstype String The title of the facet class value

The MO facet engagement_type is used to store the different engagement types. By reading the CSV file STAM_UUID_Engagementstype.csv, the importer can add additional classes to engagement_type. The importer reads the CSV file this way:

MO class field CSV field Data type Content
uuid EngagementstypeUUID UUID The unique ID of the facet class value
user_key Engagementstype String The user key (BVN) of the facet class value
title Engagementstype String The title of the facet class value

The MO facet engagement_job_function is used to store the different job function types. By reading the CSV file STAM_UUID_Stillingsbetegnelse.csv, the importer can add additional classes to engagement_job_function. The importer reads the CSV file this way:

engagement_job_function classes
MO class field CSV field Data type Content
uuid StillingBetUUID UUID The unique ID of the facet class value
user_key Stillingsbetegnelse String The user key (BVN) of the facet class value
title Stillingsbetegnelse String The title of the facet class value

Additional IT systems can be added in the file STAM_UUID_ITSystem.csv. When the importer reads this file, it creates MO IT systems this way:

IT systems
MO IT system field CSV field Data type Content
uuid ITSystemUUID UUID The unique ID of the IT system
name Name String The name of the IT system
user_key Userkey String The user key (BVN) of the IT system

Organisational units#

The integration can create and update MO organisational units based on the contents of Org_inital*.csv, Org_nye*.csv and Org_ret*.csv.

The organisational units are created in MO according to this schema:

Organisational units
MO field CSV field Data type Content
uuid OrgUUID UUID The unique ID of the organisational unit
user_key BrugervendtNøgle String The user-facing key of the organisational unit
name OrgEnhedsNavn String The name of the organisational unit
parent ParentUUID UUID Determines the parent of the organisational unit, and thus its place in the organisational hierarchy.
org_unit_type OrgEnhedsTypeUUID UUID, optional Identifies the type of the organisational unit. If given, this is stored in the MO facet org_unit_type.
org_unit_hierarchy Med-i-Linjeorg Boolean If True, the organisational unit will be marked as being part of the hierarchy "Linjeorganisation". This is stored in the MO facet org_unit_hierarchy.

Additionally, the Org_*.csv files can contain information which will be imported into MO as addresses of the given organisational unit. The following CSV fields will be recorded as addresses in MO:

Organisational unit addresses
MO address type CSV field Data type Content
LOSID LOSID String The LOS ID of the organisational unit
CVRUnit CVR String The CVR number of the organisational unit
EANUnit EAN String The EAN number of the organisational unit
PNumber P-Nr String The P-number of the organisational unit
SENumber SE-Nr String The SE-number of the organisational unit
intdebit IntDebitor-Nr String The SE-number of the organisational unit
UnitMagID MagID String The "Magkort" of the organisational unit
AddressMailUnit PostAdresse DAR UUID The postal address of the organisational unit. The textual address will be looked up in DAR and its DAR UUID will be stored as its MO address.

Finally, the Org_*.csv files contain the fields StartDato and SlutDato. These are used by the importer to determine the validity of the organisational units and addresses created. Each validity consists of from and to dates in MO.

If multiple lines in the CSV files refer to the same organisational unit UUID, and have identical properties from one line to the next (e.g. the same name or the same LOS ID), the importer does not create multiple MO objects, but rather merges the MO objects into one object, whose start date will be the earliest StartDato and whose end date will be the latest SlutDato.

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