Audit log
OS2mo includes a write audit-log exposed via the bitemporality of the underlying datamodel, which is exposed via the registrations type in GraphQL.
The audit-log serves the purpose of keeping track of which user or integration has made which registration / modification to the data in OS2mo. Each entry has a reference to the user-uuid that made the change (as provided by the Keycloak UUID claim). For integrations a hard-coded list of UUIDs exist:
Integration | UUID |
AD2Mo Sync | ad21105c-baad-c0de-6164-326d6f73796e |
ADGUID Sync | ad5711c0-baad-c0de-0000-616467756964 |
Calculate Primary | ca1c0000-baad-c0de-6361-6c637072696d |
Developer | de7e104e-baad-c0de-6465-76656c6f7065 |
DIPEX | d1fec000-baad-c0de-0000-004449504558 |
Engagement Updater | 119da1e4-baad-c0de-656e-672075706461 |
FKK | f1c1c000-baad-c0de-0000-000000464b4b |
Job Function Configurator | 70bf1ccf-baad-c0de-6a6f-6266756e6366 |
LDAP import export | 11101da9-baad-c0de-004d-4f206c646170 |
Legacy | 42c432e8-9c4a-11e6-9f62-873cf34a735f |
Manager engagement elevator | e1e7a104-baad-c0de-656c-657661746f72 |
Manager Sync | 5d05711c-baad-c0de-7364-206d616e6167 |
Omada | 0111ada0-baad-c0de-0000-006f6d616461 |
Orggatekeeper | ca1e4ee9-baad-c0de-6761-74656b656570 |
Orgviewer (ADM) | 04c71e7a-baad-c0de-6f72-677669657761 |
Orgviewer (Legacy) | 03800000-baad-c0de-006f-726776696577 |
Orgviewer (MED) | 04c71e70-baad-c0de-6f72-677669657761 |
OS2Sync | 0525711c-baad-c0de-006f-733273796e63 |
SDChangedAt | 5dc4a1ce-baad-c0de-7364-6368616e6765 |
SDMox | 5d111070-baad-c0de-0000-0073646d6f78 |
SDTool | 5d100100-baad-c0de-0000-7364746f6f6c |
SDTool+ | 5d700141-baad-c0de-0000-7364746f6f6c |
SMTP | 51111900-baad-c0de-6d6f-20736d747000 |
SQLExport | 052ec901-baad-c0de-7371-6c6578706f72 |