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The database contains a large number of datatypes. To illustrate the basic operations of the API we introduce a subset here. Specifically a subset of Organisation.

The complete reference documentation for the fields can be found in Generelle egenskaber for services på sags- og dokumentområdet with more info for those specifically for Organisation in : Specifikation af serviceinterface for organisation .


As an example, the REST interface for Organisation is specified here:

Please note that in comparison with this official specification, our
system currently does not support the parameters `-miljø` and

As regards the parameter `-miljø` (which could be `-prod`, `-test`,
`-dev`, etc.) we have been trying to convince the customer that we do
not recommend running test, development and production on the same
systems, so we would prefer not to support that parameter.

As regards the parameter `-version`, we have deferred support for it
until we actually have more than one version of the protocol to support.

Some Organisation objects#


Located at the endpoint /organisation/organisation. An organisation is a legal organisation. A good example of this a municipality.

A small organisation with all the required fields highlighted.
  "attributter": {
    "organisationegenskaber": [{
      "brugervendtnoegle": "magenta-aps",
      "organisationsnavn": "Magenta ApS",
      "virkning": {
        "from": "2017-01-01",
        "to": "2019-03-14"
  "tilstande": {
    "organisationgyldighed": [{
      "gyldighed": "Aktiv",
      "virkning": {
        "from": "2017-01-01",
        "to": "2019-03-14"

The fields used in the example organisation are the following:


An ID for the user. Semantically, this should be unique, but we don't enforce that. It is intended for the user to recognise the object. Required.


The official name of the organisation.


The period when the above attributes is valid. See Valid time. Required.


Whether the organisation is active or not. Can take the values Aktiv and Inaktiv. Required.


The period when the above gyldighed is valid. See Valid time. Required.


Located at the endpoint /organisation/organisationenhed. An organisationenhed is an organisational unit. This could be a department, section, office, committee, project group, class, team or similar.

A small organisationenhed with all the required fields highlighted.
  "attributter": {
    "organisationenhedegenskaber": [{
      "brugervendtnoegle": "copenhagen",
      "enhedsnavn": "Copenhagen",
      "virkning": {
        "from": "2017-01-01",
        "to": "2019-03-14"
  "tilstande": {
    "organisationenhedgyldighed": [{
      "gyldighed": "Aktiv",
      "virkning": {
        "from": "2017-01-01",
        "to": "2019-03-14"
  "relationer": {
    "overordnet": [{
      "uuid": "6ff6cf06-fa47-4bc8-8a0e-7b21763bc30a",
      "virkning": {
        "from": "2017-01-01",
        "to": "2019-03-14"
    "tilhoerer": [{
      "uuid": "6135c99b-f0fe-4c46-bb50-585b4559b48a",
      "virkning": {
        "from": "2017-01-01",
        "to": "2019-03-14"

The fields used in the example organisationenhed are the following:

organisationenhedegenskaber→* and organisationenhedgyldighed→*

Similar to organisation.


This is the root organisation which the organisationenhed is part of. This is usally set on all organisationenhed to the single organisation in the mox instance.


The parent organisationenhed.


The database is a Bitemporal Database with valid time and transaction time.

Valid time#

All attributes and relations have a valid time period associated as virkning. It is the time period during which the fact is true in the real world.

A sample virkning with required fields highlighted.
  "from": "2017-01-01",
  "from_included": true,
  "to": "2025-12-31",
  "to_included": false

The fields used in the example are the following:


The time when this fact starts to be true in the real world. Date and time input is accepted in almost any reasonable format, including ISO 8601. Required.


Whether the from timestamp is closed or open. Default true.


The time when this facts stop to be true in the real world. Date and time input is accepted in almost any reasonable format, including ISO 8601. Required.


Whether the to timestamp is closed or open. Default false.

Transaction time#

All transactions also have a transaction time as registreret. This records the time period during which a given fact is stored in the database.

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