Rapporter i OS2MO#
Det er muligt at få genereret rapporter fx hver nat, så de indeholder friske data, når man møder på arbjdet om morgenen.
Rapporterne findes i topmenuen:
De rapporter, der findes i dag, er beskrevet nedenfor. Ønskes andre sammenstillinger af data i en rapport, kontakt venligst Magenta på support@magenta.dk.
Eksisterende rapporter#
- Alle medarbejdere
- Navn på person
- Stilling
- CPR-Nummer
- AD-email
- AD-telefonnummer
- Enhed
- Alle tilknytninger
- Org-enhedens UUID
- Org-enhedens navn
- Overordnet UUID
- Navn på person
- Personens UUID
- CPR-Nummer
- Den administrative organisation, enhedstyper samt start- og stopdatoer
- Org-enhedens UUID
- Org-enhedens navn
- Enhedstype Titel
- Enhedstypens UUID
- Gyldig fra
- Gyldig til
- Den administrative organisation og dens ansatte
- Organisationsenhed
- Navn på medarbejder
- Brugernavn
- Telefon
- Adresse
- Alle ledere og deres lederansvar
- Enhed
- Navn
- Ansvar
- Telefon
- Medarbejdertelefonbog
- Navn
- Telefon
- Mobiltelefon
- Enhed
- Stillingsbetegnelse
- Stilling og kontaktinformation
- Ansættelse gyldig fra
- Ansættelse gyldig til
- Fornavn
- Efternavn
- Person UUID
- Brugernavn
- Org-enhed
- Org-enhed UUID
- Telefon
- Stillingsbetegnelse
- Engagement UUID
Andre rapporter kan ligeledes genereres, fx. rapport over MED-organisationens repræsentanter.
Technical info#
Shared reports introduces a collection of reports that can be used by
customers regardless of their individual setup. They utilise standard
MO-data and return
pandas DataFrames,
which can then be exported to a variety of file formats and served in
Quick Start#
The main()
method in /reports/shared_reports.py
will generate all
available reports. It utilises settings from settings.json
specifically mora.base
as the hostname, reports.org_name
as the name
of the organisation for which to generate reports,
as the name of the organisation from which to
generate payroll reports, and mora.folder.query_export
as the output
In settings.json
, the following settings should be available:
"mora.base": "http://localhost:5000",
"mora.folder.query_export": "/opt/reports/"
"reports.org_name": "Testkommune"
Note that reports.pay_org_name
is not set in these settings. In
this case, it will default to the organisation name. However, a few
customers have a specific payroll organisation, so we need to be able to
use the setting if necessary.
Then, to generate all reports in CSV-format, simply call
python /reports/shared_reports.py
If only a subset of reports and/or different output formats are required, the API can be used directly – refer to the following section. In the future, a Click CLI will be made available.
This set of code allows to export the content of MO into a fixed set of csv-files containing various sub-sets of the content of MO.
The code contains a general exporter as well as code specific to various municipalities, the municipality-specfic code should only be run, if you are running MO from the corresponding municipality, since these exporters expects data specific to theses places.
The general code can be run directly from the folder with no installation required.
The modules depend on mora_helper wich can be installed from the Helpers directory from the root of this repo:
sudo pip3 install -e os2mo_helpers
If MO is set up to use authentication, the exporter needs a valid service SAML token. This is read from the environment variable SAML_TOKEN.
Exported data#
The general exporter will produce the data-files described above.
Please note that these exports contain the same personal details as MO itself, and thus it is important to secure appropriate handling of the exported files.
Command line options#
general_export.py accepts two command line parameters:
--root: uuid for the root org to export. If this parameter is not given, the deepest available tree will be assumed.
--threaded-speedup: If set to True, the program will start a full multithreaded read of all employees in MO. On most systems this will be significantly faster, but will result in a higher server load and a longer delay before the first export is finished.
--hostname: Hostname for the MO instance. Defaults to localhost.
In order to run the exporter on a continuous basis (eg a nightly run) a cron job should be set up and SAML_TOKEN should be given a valid value.
To set up the cron job, find the uuid of the wanted root-unit and run this command from cron:
python3 general_export.py \--hostname=localhost \--root=\<uuid\>
unless the deployment is for one of the specific municipalities with a specific set of export code.